My Body Is My Temple

This 30-Journey comes from deep within my soul, it was birthed from what I needed and continue to need and that is self love!
"I haven't felt this good in a long time. I look forward to continuing to strengthen my belief in myself."
- Nici
"I am really calm inside, I haven't felt that for years - and I love that!"
- Nicole
"I've been really enjoying this time connecting. My life has changed drastically in the last month, I've loved being truly present with really feeling these changes rather than using food to numb out as I had been before."
- Megan
"I’m feel pretty good overall! Definitely feel the support and encouragement of the universe and I’m feeling very aligned with my choice to take a break! I have moments in the evenings when I say to myself I could go smoke, but I feel that is more out of habit and “what should I do” and less out of pure/good intention. Even with those little moments of temptation I’m proud that I haven’t given in because that would be too easy! Whenever I considered this break in the past I thought it would be so hard. The temptation was strong and I just wouldn’t commit to myself and do it. I am so thankful for this journey it has helped me to realize how important I am and how I have to keep my promises to myself. I never break promises made to others and now I won’t break the ones I make with myself either! Thank you Lauren for opening this journey up to us! I feel 1000x more supported because of it."
- Lisa
"Since beginning this journey I haven’t felt as foggy or like I have a weed hangover either.I don’t know how to explain this in the best way but I’ve also been feeling high without feeling/being high."
- Colleen
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"I’m feel pretty good overall! Definitely feel the support and encouragement of the universe and I’m feeling very aligned with myself! Thank you Lauren for opening this journey up to us! I feel 1000x more supported because of it."
- Lisa
"Since beginning this journey I haven’t felt as foggy. I don’t know how to explain this in the best way but I’ve also been feeling high without being high. I feel lighter and free."
- Colleen

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